Training & Book Reviews
Commentary: Our Experience Thirty Years of Frustration
Paying staff to do a job without adequate training does not reflect a high performance workplace. No one wants to be in a position where they guess how a program works only to find out they were wrong. Now the outcome needs to be corrected and at a cost to the organization.
Worse yet, something relatively easy can take hours. What is the cost of wasted time? What could the staff member be doing which would further the charity's' goals?
Blind Faith in Our Ignorance is not a Leadership Strategy!
Read what some clients have had to say about the training and how it impacted their ability to use @EASE effectively and raise more money!
Some of the reviews listed have staff members who have now retired or changed jobs.
You gave a very impressive presentation with tons of useful information.
Marco Schwab, BComm CPA, CA Schwab and Associates Chartered Professional Accountants
I have been the Foundation Director for 9 ½ years and attended a training session in my first 6 months on the job. Since then I kept telling myself that I did not have the time required to commit to additional training.
I recently attended the Four Days session and learned priceless and invaluable tools that I could have been using from the beginning of my career. The time it will now take to implement and update @Ease that could have been a part of the process all this time is unimaginable but will be worth the efforts.
Moving forward the training I received will save me incomprehensible man hours during not only project crunch time but day to day business. If for a moment you think you do not have the “Time” to attend the training required to utilize the @Ease database to its full potential or that you do not have the “Financial” means to commit to the training you are mistaken! BOTH must be your organizations top priorities.
For the on-going success of your organization with staff replacements and their knowledge/information that will be lost, this database keeps all that knowledge FOREVER in place and that alone is worth your “Time” & “Financial” commitment.
Jennifer White Foundation Director,
Mont St. Joseph Home Inc.
“Our foundation has been using the @Ease software for the past four years and thoroughly pleased with the product. I knew however that I was not using it to its capacity and as the main person in a small shop, I approached my board about going for additional training with the @Ease Group. I have just returned from Edmonton wherein less than a ½ day I realized the value of the dollars our board invested in this training will immediately pay dividends in time saved at our office. The major benefit was that Sharron and I worked directly on our live data, correcting those simple errors that challenged proper reporting but more so, I learned how powerful Q-Express is in getting me the right information in a timely manner. For instance, over the past four years, I was recording donor recognition levels by donor profile which took me about a day and a half. With Q-Express we updated over 400+ records in less than 5 minutes. I was thrilled knowing that this and so many other types of recording could be done so efficiently and fast.”
Donna Grainger East Kootenay Foundation for Health, Retired
Taking advantage of @Ease simply made sense from a fundraising point of view.
This has eliminated unneeded stress while offering superb customer service.
@Ease is user-friendly, showcasing what its name is all about, putting fundraisers @Ease.
Angie Barron
I recently attended the Building a Knowledge-Driven Charity workshop. The training was very inspirational and energizing. I took away lots of great ideas, with both substantial and in-depth knowledge that I garnered through a hands-on learning experience. I came away empowered by what I learned and a greater understanding of what I can do to be more effective in my role as the Executive Director of a Foundation.
Evelyn Stewart Father Lacombe Home
Sharron shines the light on an issue faced by most charitable organizations. A lack of knowledge management impacts productivity and important donor relations. With a practical presentation style and great examples, Sharron is able to help audiences understand how good data management can lead to great results!
Dawn Newton Community Affairs, Telus